Childhood Trauma, the root cause of our Adult shadows.
Every person has experienced trauma in some form or another in this lifetime on earth.
Some occur during infancy, not feeling wanted, loved, accepted, abandoned. Others occur during toddler times. Abuse, physically, sexually, mentally. Addicted parents, unhealed parents raising children. Patterns and beliefs passed down generationally. Religious, traditional beliefs that we are not good enough, we will be sent to hell , rejected, the list goes on and on.
By the age of 8, the brain is programmed based on what it has experienced and lived through. Is this world loving and safe and joyful? Or is it dangerous, hurtful, scary, a place where we cannot trust anyone?
This is the state we will work from going forward until it is fixed. No one is “broken” we just have to reprogram now we are adults and can have logic balanced with emotion and spirit bodies. Children are not taught to grieve, to release build up emotions and energies.
The conscious brain will try and make sense of it, and its job is to protect us, protect the ego. It will be in a state of fight or flight, anxiety and depression and other issues will appear. The body and soul desperately wants to heal, so it will begin by transforming its world outwardly, in hopes that we will clue in and see the mirroring and fix ourselves
This is why we pick partners, friends, situations that mimic the life we have experienced, one because it feels familiar, even if it is harmful, it is familiar to the emotional body. And two, because it wants us to recognize it and fix it.
You will be able to see the patterns in relationships, are you people pleasing, or pushing away in anger, keeping your heart protected?
We carry this child within us through our adult life until it is resolved. It will play out in your world to show you it needs healing.
If for instance one of your parents left, either through divorce, walking away or death, the child experiences abandonment. It was not taught to grieve, it may have been soothed with food or other things, which will become it’s adult way to soothe . It will think it was its fault it occurred as the child is egocentric, it is all about it. The adult will then take on either victim mode, or anger mode, pushing people away. It will be triggered by a partner or friendship that is not connecting continually with you physically and verbally, you will feel panicked if you do not hear from that person, you will assume the worst, you will not have trust, you will check phones, emails etc. Sound familiar?
A child does not have the mental state an adult has, it is non logical, magical and egocentric.
It’s in another state of consciousness. It interprets that is all their fault.
It carries the wounds with it and it will present and be triggered in teen, youth and adult life till it is recognized and healed. It will in the meantime try to stuff the emotions, numb them with addictions, avoid all together, blame others, anger, fear resentment. And even though as an adult we can logically see we are not managing well, the inner child is in charge.
How do we change? By balancing the child and adult, but balancing mind , body , spirit.
Releasing generational patterns and beliefs are also important. The beliefs that the world is not safe, or is a bad place can be sent down generation after generation, imbedded in our DNA and energy body.
Is this hard work ? Yes, but so is living in a state of denial and pain. Work through it and release it! See what life has to offer you!
You are safe and you are loved.