Petrina Bosiak
ChT, CRA-RP, IMDHA Certified
Petrina Bosiak is an experienced hypnotherapist and reiki healer who has discovered a path to the heal the body through naturally and holistically. While taking care of her daughter and through her own research and training, trial and error it became clear to her that the body is capable of healing itself, if given the right resources and tools.
After finding answers and solutions, Petrina felt compelled to help others navigating the difficulties and challenges of mental wellness and health.
Petrina Bosiak -
ChT , CRA-RP, IMDHA CertifiedMy daughter at age 12 started having intense anxiety, going from an outgoing, loving child who loved school and hanging out with her friends to becoming a recluse, wanting to stay home, not go to school or socialize.
We ended up trying to get into the mental health system, but since it is so overworked and understaffed, it was months before we could get in. In the meantime, my daughter was spiraling downhill. After much pushing, we got in to see a counsellor – we were not allowed to see the psychiatrist due to her workload of critical patients. We proceeded with counsellor who recommended medication which a reluctant doctor was told to prescribe on recommendation from the counsellor.
My daughter felt hopeless, medication did not seem to help at all, and in desperation, she tried to commit suicide at the age of 14, by ingesting 140 pills of Prozac. Only by pushing at the hospital emergency unit did we manage to get her into a facility for three weeks of intense counseling / monitoring and were told it was the combination of medication that more than likely caused her to spiral down. The facility was scary, many kids walking around like zombies on medication, I was very worried for her safety as she had to stay there by herself but at the time that is all I knew what to do.
There were some great psychiatrists there, and i was thankful to actually get to talk to one and have professional assistance. He suggested it was the combination of medications that sent her into the spiral leading to the suicide attempt – as you can imagine, that devastated me, and at that point I decided to look at other alternates to her healing. We needed to find the root cause and heal it, not band aid it with medications.
Throughout this whole experience, which is devastating, I began the research and training/ education on various other techniques that help such as nutrition, simple blood tests to check levels of iron , magnesium etc. , food allergies, meditation, hypnosis, aromatherapy, reiki, Chinese medicine and much more. It became very obvious to me quickly that the body is capable of healing itself if given the right things, and assisting the kids in finding ways to cope with the energies they are feeling in the environment , school noise, lights, smells, sounds, all these affect these highly sensitive souls causing them massive stress and anxiety.
After this experience, I felt it was necessary to spread the word on the various things we tried and used to help others, giving hope to parents and families who feel hopeless. You can take the power back and help your children from some very easy techniques – we can’t wait to work with you!
Certified Hypnotherapist – Coastal Academy School
IMDHA Certified
ASH program – Advanced Spiritual Hypnotherapy- Certified
Reiki Healer – Reiki Association Member
Lemurian and Atlantian Reiki
Heart Resonance
Lives between Lives – Certified
Explore Healing Techniques
Through years of spiritual work I have come to a place of knowing. In working with spirit and source I get insight into various situations. Join me in exploring and learning various techniques for healing yourself!
Follow my YouTube Channel to access healing meditations, educational tools and resources for healing the self, release blockages and understand your forward path!
Coastal Academy of Hypnotic Arts and Science
International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
Canadian Reiki Association
EMDR Therapy Training Certification for Trauma & PTSD

To Heal
is to touch with Love
that which we previously touched with fear.
“Petrina is a very gifted healer. She will match her services to the client needs and does so in a way that is supportive and authentic. In my session she listened and asked thoughtful questions to ensure that I felt comfortable and ready to shift what was behind my food triggers. Thank you Petrina.”