Become empowered and find your solution for healing.
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Dive into the subconscious mind to release what is no longer serving you. Includes reiki energy balancing and an oracle card reading.
Sessions are taped when requested.
1.5 hours | $125 -
One hour of guided meditation to release and balance the chakras with relaxing reiki energy. Finish balancing with sound vibration from tuning forks on each chakra and an oracle card reading.
You will leave feeling amazing!
60 mins | $65 -
Past Life Regression
See and experience your past lives to gain clarity on the present life. See your soulmates and others, fix unresolved issues, break contracts and vows no longer serving you.
Recording included.
90 - 120 mins | $145 -
Emotion Code
Release blocked emotions and receive an oracle card reading.
60 mins | $50 -
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a haling method involving the active movement of your eyes or tapping opposite shoulders, legs in a specific way while you process traumatic memories.
EMDR's goal is to help you heal from trauma or other distressing life experiences.
Heal the Inner Child - 3 session pkg
Three part program designed to remove trauma, reconnect with the inner child and healing.
Session 1: Release from the energy field, the chakras, and use Emotion Code to release blocked emotions (1 hour)
Session 2: Hypnotherapy to take you deeper into the release of trauma. (2hrs)
Session 3: Healing work via meditation and journaling. (2hrs)
Body Code Healing
Experience Revolutionary Healing.
Body Code allows one to tap into their inner knowledge and find balance in six key areas: Energy, Pathogens, Circuits & Systems, Misalignments, Toxins, Nutrition and Lifestyle.
Identify root causes and activate your healing power.1 hour | $88
Practice focused concentration and mindfulness with acceptance and awareness, in group meditations.
Corporate or Groups - Please contact directly to arrange date and venue.
45 mins | $250 -
Lives Between Lives
Explore your soul before it reincarnated into this lifetime. Find out the agreements made for this life and the purpose and lessons to be learned. Talk to your higher self and guides. Connect with the Akashic and gain the opportunity to make changes to the plan.
3 hours | $300 -
Distant Healing
Send Reiki and energy healing to whomever you wish.
$60 -
Gift Cards
Share the healing and gift your loved ones a healing experience.
Any amount desired. -
Healing Package
A fully recorded two hour session including Emotion Code, hypnotherapy, reiki/energy healing and an Oracle Card reading.
2 hours | $235 -
Regression Therapy
Find the time when you disconnected from the Creator and heal the disconnection. Uncover the emotions and become aware of all the lifetimes you have had.
Discover your true story.