Chakras & Praying
While walking the other morning , enjoying the morning gentle warmth of the sunshine, the early hour where it is still quiet, I had a download come to me that was quite profound and which I wish to share.
I was shown the chakras, explained that there is so much more to them then we use. The emotions related to each of the chakras, can indeed be easily released with a simple technique. I was told that we mostly use the lower three chakras in our prayer requests and our manifesting, these are all earth related chakras, and are about material wealth, power and safety.
To advance our souls , we need to focus on prayers for the soul, not the human body, and using the upper chakras which are connected to source. By praying from the heart for higher awareness, having more of our senses opened, connecting with source and our spirit, asking to be shown 5d and how to get there, for the collective to be moved to higher dimension, our world can change!
We need to stop focusing so much on material and connect with our spirit /source as all else is just an illusion.
Here is a meditation I was shown and have had insight into from some other modalities to combine it into this easy way to release blockages, stored emotions. The past is simply pictures, the subconscious stores them as such, it is us and our conscious and ego that adds the emotion back to it time and time again, keeping it alive. This never allows us to get past the past! Yes , we have all had traumas, some more than others, yet we do not have to live in them constantly! It is our right to release and remove them from us. It is shadow work, and needs to be done in order for us to ascend. It is our right to get our power back, see who we truly are.
Releasing meditation
Allow yourself to go to a quiet place, get centered, few deep breaths, ask for your higher self to connect with you and assist you. Bring to your mind the chakras, seeing the colors of each one. Imagine a white light streaming from the crown all the way down the spine, allowing the higher vibration of that white light to bring to the surface of the chakras all the energy blockages, having that intention in your mind.
The Root Chakra
Sensing a bright red ball of energy at the tailbone space, imagine taking it out holding it in our hands, feeling the weight of it, the texture of it. Put in that ball all the times you did not feel a feeling of safety, belonging, grounding, abundance, loving unconditional, being loved unconditionally. Those feelings, starting back as early as you can , your subconscious and higher self will assist with this, when you did not feel safe, when you did not feel loved or valued, when you did not feel you could love when you felt you were lacking. Addictions, social media, tv, things that drain your energy. Now see with intention all of those being put into that ball of color, see it getting heavier and heavier. When you feel you have finished , hand that ball over to your higher self and say, I don’t want to carry these any longer, I demand they be removed. See, sense, intend the higher consciousness or your guides taking that ball, emptying it, shining it up, and filling it with white light and handing it back to you to put back into that space. Feel the lightness. Say to yourself, I am safe, I am loved.
The Sacral Chakra
Seeing a bright orange ball of energy, holding in your hands, putting in emotions related to that chakra, times we felt our power taken away, times we had issues with sexuality, times we hated our bodies or had others tell us unpleasant things about our bodies, times we lacked creativity, low esteem, insecurity. Times we had miscarriages, abortions, infertility, sexual disfunctions. If there were rapes, or giving away of sex without emotion, sex without our permission. Health issues, low back pain, sciatica, OBGYN problems, sexual issues.
See all those images put inside that ball, the emotions, the energy attached to it. Hand the ball to your higher self, saying, I don’t want to carry these any longer, I demand they be removed. Seeing your higher self or guides taking the ball and emptying it, cleaning it, adding white light and returning to you, putting back into the sacral space, feeling it lighter and softer. Saying: “I take back my power and my creativity. I love and accept myself the way I am.”
The Solarplexus Chakra
Seeing the bright yellow ball of energy, asking all the emotions, pictures , energies of not feeling confident, times people put us down, no will power, fear of disappointing others, fear of rejection, criticism , fear in general. Health issues such as diabetes, immune system, arthritis, adrenal imbalance, eating disorders, anxiety, colon issues, anger.
See all those images put inside that ball, the emotions, the energy attached to it. Hand the ball to your higher self, saying, I don’t want to carry these any longer, I demand they be removed. Seeing your higher self or guides taking the ball and emptying it, cleaning it, adding white light and returning to you, putting it back in place and feeling the difference. Saying I am my authentic self, I have self confidence and can manage my own life.
The Heart Chakra
Seeing a ball of energy in the color pink or green. Feel in that space the heart, imagine a person place or thing that brings you love, feel the space opening and relaxing with that image. Imagine taking that ball of light into your hands, sensing the heaviness, texture etc. putting in images, emotions and energy related to times you felt hurt, sorry for yourself, indecisive, afraid of being alone, feeling unnurtured, unworthy of love. Putting in energies and emotions related to heart issues, high blood pressure, insomnia, difficulty breathing, lung and breast issues, upper back and shoulder problems. See all those images put inside that ball, the emotions, the energy attached to it. Hand the ball to your higher self, saying, “I don’t want to carry these any longer, I demand they be removed.” Seeing your higher self or guides taking the ball and emptying it, cleaning it, adding white light and returning to you, putting it back in the space, feeling lighter . “I feel unconditional love for myself and see the good in everyone.”
The Throat Chakra
Seeing the color blue, a beautiful ball of blue energy . Imagine taking the ball and holding it in your hands, feel the weight, the sensation of it. Put into it all the times you were not heard or valued for your opinion, were ignored. Times we repressed our anger or emotions, times we were arrogant and forced our opinions on others. Times we did not speak up for ourselves or others when needed. See all those images put inside that ball, the emotions, the energy attached to it. Hand the ball to your higher self, saying , I don’t want to carry these any longer, I demand they be removed. Seeing your higher self or guides taking the ball and emptying it, cleaning it, adding white light and returning to you, placing it bac into the space of the throat. Demanding that you have the power to speak your truth , express your thoughts and feelings with ease. Pray with ease and sing praise easily.
The Third Eye
The color indigo blue and purple. Image the beautiful ball of energy and remove it from the third eye, holding it in your hands, feeling the weight, shape, texture. Putting in all the times we were arrogant, being talked down too, being oversensitive, not seeing the truth in life. Seeing any physical symptoms, learning disabilities, seizures, panic, delusion, poor memory, poor concentration, brain tumors, mental illnesses of all kinds, migraines, headaches, eyesight issues See all those images put inside that ball, the emotions, the energy attached to it. Hand the ball to your higher self, saying, I don’t want to carry these any longer, I demand they be removed. Seeing your higher self or guides taking the ball and emptying it, cleaning it, adding white light and returning to you. Placing it back in the third eye, asking and demanding that it be open to see the truth, that healing be done to allow us to connect with our highest potential.
The Crown Chakra
The color violet and white, seeing the ball of energy, holding it in your hands, putting your energies, intentions, emotions related to fear of death, confusion, senility, depression, fear of success and no inspiration. Feeling disconnected from source, from our selves. Feeling lost, disassociated from our bodies. Sensitivity to light, chronic fatigue, skin issues, skeletal issues. See all those images put inside that ball, the emotions, the energy attached to it. Hand the ball to your higher self, saying, I don’t want to carry these any longer, I demand they be removed. Seeing your higher self or guides taking the ball and emptying it, cleaning it, adding white light and returning to you, to be place back into the crown. Asking for a connection to source, God, yourself. Asking for miracles.